About the Author:

He studied German language and literature and music in Cologne. As a grammar-school teacher he taught Music and German in Mönchengladbach, in Cologne as well as in the town of Neuss from 1964 until 1996.
His interest in botany was aroused early in his youth, when he discovered the lovingly made herbarium of his late grandfather by chance.
Later on, plant and flower photography would become his passionate hobby, one which he has pursued up to this very day. It has always been his most ambitious concern to present his collection of plants and pictures which he has taken photographs of in their natural enviroment, to the best possible aestetic effect.
His botanical excursions have taken him as far as the tropical rain forest of Borneo. In Europe, the rich flora of Greece and the Greec islands have been a constant allurement for him. Together with his wife he has combed the Island of Crete from East to West and from North to South on a dozen of trips, armed with his camera.
So this volume is intended to present the beauty and variety of the Cretan flora and share with others the loveliest of the shots.taken by the author during his many excursions on Crete.