German title: Kreta − Ein einzigartiges Blumenparadies
English title: Crete − A Unique Paradise of Flowers

Number of pages: 182 pages
Number of pictures: 293 (279 fotos of flowers, 14 fotos of landscape)
Paper quality: 150 g/ mē (matt finish)
Format: 190 x 270 mm
Weight: 868 gr
Cover: hardback (bound)
ISBN: 3-9810077-5-1
Price: 29.80 Euro
Author: Johannes Flohe, Auf der Hardt 53, 41542 Dormagen (Germany)
This book is meant to be an album with the purpose of presenting in pictures as well as in text the exceptional variety and outstanding beauty of the Cretan flora. Beneath each picture (some of which half or full page) the scientific name, the date the picture was taken and the place where the flower was found is given.
The descriptions of the excursions take you into various regions and habitats such as orchid slopes, gorges, high mountain areas, beaches and other places. Also, additional locations and habitats of rare flowers are mentioned in the appendix.
The book is printed in an especially reader friendly type size and has a clear structure.